My Top 5 Independent Pet Shops For All Your Dogs Enrichment Needs

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Posted On February 28, 2023

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Staffy with a Kong in their mouth: freya dione n rylytkvsM unsplash

My clients often ask me where I would recommend to buy enrichment items for their dogs such as chews and puzzle toys so I thought I would do a blog post on the best independent natural pet stores in my surrounding area. I am a great believer in providing natural and fun enrichment for our dogs.  Enrichment can prevent boredom and give your dogs the opportunity to use their natural instincts such as sniffing, searching, problem solving and chewing.

It’s also a great way of keeping your dogs busy when people come to the house i.e. instead of letting your dogs jump on all your guests, give them something like a high value long lasting chew such as Yak Bar or a stuffed Kong. They will busily get on with the enrichment provided, meaning they are not practising the behaviour of jumping up and by the time they have finished they will be used to people being in the house and the initial high excitement will have passed.

The best places to buy these items, treats, toys and high quality food are your independent pet stores that specialise in natural food and treats.

Four Seasons Pet Supplies

Natural Dog Chew Display at Four Seasons Pet Supplies
Four Seasons Castleford Market

Is a fab place within Castleford Market, it sells all natural treats/chews, raw foods, high quality dry food, leads and collars and also has a variety of enrichment toys such as Lickie Mats and Kongs. Phil, who owns Four Seasons, is really helpful and friendly and can order in foods that you might have researched.

Nell’s Natural Raw Food

Nells Natural Raw Food on Westgate in Wakefield
Nells Natural Raw Food on Westgate in Wakefield

Is situated in Wakefield centre on Westgate and specialises in raw food, sells natural treats and chews, enrichment toys and they also have an app that you can download and get loyalty rewards and shop online.

Raw Emporium

The Raw Emporium in Pontefract
The Raw Emporium in Pontefract

Is situated in Pontefract centre and specialises in raw food, natural chews, natural supplements and sells enrichment toys. 

Poochie Park and Poochie Pantry

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Poochie Park is fab secure field in Sherburn in Elmet with its own specialist raw food shop. Helena who runs it is very knowledgeable and is studying Canine Nutrition, Canine Nutrigenomics and Zoo-pharmacology. 

They have 24 freezers of raw foods, natural bones, supplements, chews and enrichment toys. You can also earn reward points every time you spend.

The Urban Pet Store

The Urban Pet Store, Garforth
The Urban Pet Store, Garforth

Are an independent, family-owned pet store situated on Garforth Main Street. They stock natural and ethically sourced pet supplies and have a  large selection of 100% natural pet food and treats, sustainably sourced and fair-trade small animal/bird toys and large selection of raw dog food. They also deliver free to anyone living in Garforth which is a great service to those local to Garforth.

If you are wanting any further advice on how to provide enrichment or help with any training or behaviour support. Get in touch via the below button.

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